To all members of the Society/FiF in the Diocese of Chichester, Fr Beau Brandie died peacefully last night after a fairly short illness. He was wonderfully cared for from St John’s, West Worthing, where he ministered in retirement. Even in this lockdown he was sustained sacramentally by Fr Roger Caswell, a ministry that was deeply appreciated. Fr Beau was a stalwart defender of the Catholic Faith in the Church of England, and in this diocese. His commitment to the Faith was never simply a matter of ecclesiastical politics – though it was certainly that as well! But far more importantly, our religion, the practice of Christian faith in its full power and glory, was for Fr Beau the practical and evangelistic expression of the love of God in mercy and redemption. As those of you who knew him well might expect, he left detailed notes about his funeral arrangements. Fr Roger tells me that they are as follows: After a small service at the crematorium (he has specified who should attend) his ashes will come back to St John’s until they can be buried at Walsingham. Solemn Requiem at St John’s, which I believe you have agreed to celebrate, when restrictions permit. Details of the Solemn Requiem will be advertised as soon as arrangements can be made. Meanwhile, I commend Fr Beau to your prayers: to give thanks for his life and ministry, to pray for the repose of his soul. May he rest in peace and rise in glory. +Martin Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us, therefore let us keep the feast. Alleluia!
Greetings to you in the Easter Octave. The celebration of the paschal mystery has placed very severe restrictions on us this year. But the determination to observe the sacred rites of our faith has shone through. For lay and ordained alike, this has been an observance marked by prayer, as we have sought new ways to connect with mystery of faith. Jesus is present to us in the experience of Spiritual Communion, defying the limits of time and space, as when he joined the disciples behind locked doors in the Upper Room. So, too, he has come into our homes, to bring us the gift of his peace. As we bring this never to be forgotten Holy Week and Easter Octave to a close, I invite you to join with me in a time of adoration and prayer, broadcast from the Bishop's Chapel in Chichester, on Sunday afternoon, 19th April, at 5.30 pm. There will be an opportunity to reflect on the scriptures, and to adore the Lord in Exposition and Benediction. We shall use the Rosary in the devotions during this service. For those who wish to join in singing the hymns, the words are attached to this email. The devotion can be accessed from the Society diocesan website,, and on the Society’s Facebook page I hope you will join me. So let us rejoice. Death is conquered, love is victorious. Christus Vincit. Alleluia! +Martin |
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