There will be a meeting of THE SOCIETY on Saturday February 9th at St Bartholemew's Brighton. The meeting will be for support and encouragement It was decided to meet before Lent. We will be addressed either by The Bishop of Chichester or The Bishop of Horsham. Lunch will be provided like last time so we need to know numbers please sign up on the web page or send an email to [email protected] or Contact Fr Mark Gilbert SSC, St Wilfrid's Vicarage, 7 Durnford Close, Chichester. PO19 3AG 01243 783853 Please download the poster and encourage people to come alongS. Paul’s, in Brighton’s West Street, made famous by the legendary ministry of Father Arthur Wagner, has not been fully operable for much of 2/3 years, owing to the re-flooring of the nave and redecoration of the whole church, followed by a fire that put completion back by 6-9 months. Now the church is again looking glorious, not only decorated afresh and with fittings refurbished but with new chairs to replace uncomfortable pews, and engraved glass doors by the acclaimed artist, Mel Howse. The doors, placed between narthex and nave, depict Brighton mackerel and nets, as befits the old fishing community S. Paul’s was built to serve, and specifically the ancient Christian symbols of Christ as the big fish [Icthus] followed by the little fish [the newly baptised], and also shown are other fish, representing those yet to be brought to faith and the subject of the Church’s ongoing mission. Wording above the doors draws from the words of Jacob in Genesis 28: 17 that this -as with any church- awesome House of God is none other than the gate of heaven. The Bishop of Chichester came recently to sing Mass and to bless these doors as well as a chantry book case, refurbished organ case, and the chairs. S. Paul’s hosts Brighton’s Street Pastors and Safe Space as part of its service to the City centre, and as a place of great beauty and prayerfulness has some 25,000 visitors each year. S. Paul’s School, also founded by Father Arthur Wagner, celebrated its 150th anniversary last month and a Mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated in church at the end of January.
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