There will be a rota of celebrants that will ensure a Mass every hour during the night;
+Geoffrey will rest overnight at the Shrine of St Richard, and Masses will be celebrated at altars in the cathedral.
Arrangements for the Funeral of Bishop Geoffrey Rowell
Tuesday 4 July
Bishop Geoffrey’s body, vested and in its coffin, will be received at 6.30 pm, following Evensong in the Cathedral at 5.30 pm.
There will then be vigil of prayer, for the unity of the Church and the conversion of England. Priests are invited to offer Mass here during the vigil.
Each celebrant is asked to form an intention that draws from Bishop Geoffrey’s teaching and example, shaping with imagination and courage the apostolic work that lies ahead of us
Those wishing to be included in the list of celebrants should email a request to the Bishop of Chichester informing also [email protected] [email protected] at what times you are available to celebrate.. The final Masses in the vigil will begin at 12.00 noon on Wednesday 5 July.
Hospitality for those participating in the vigil will be available in the Palace throughout the night.
Wednesday 5 July
Deacons and priests who wish to robe and sit in choir (purple stole) for the funeral Requiem should request a ticket in advance.
Bishops who wish to robe and sit in choir for the funeral Requiem are also asked to request a ticket in advance. The vesture for bishops is alb, purple stole and pectoral cross.
Requests to celebrate during the vigil, and to robe for the funeral Requiem should be made to [email protected] The deadline for requests is Sunday 2 July. Details for saying Mass and where and when to robe for the funeral Requiem will be sent with your ticket.
The procession of clergy and ecumenical participants will be formed by 2.20 pm. At 2.25 pm the coffin will brought to the west end of the Cathedral for the Sentences and the entry hymn.
After the final Commendation, the coffin, attended by members of Bishop Geoffrey’s household and family, will be taken to Boxgrove Priory for burial.
A reception will be held in the cloister garden of the cathedral, which is known as Paradise.